Tips for Preventing Hearing Loss
While not every type of hearing impairment is preventable, there are certain tips you should know that can aid in lowering your chances of developing noise-induced hearing loss or age-related hearing loss (presbycusis). It is never too late (or too early) to begin embracing a healthy lifestyle that will preserve your hearing and overall health, as hearing loss and dementia have been proven to go hand in hand. Learn to protect your hearing with these easy tips.
Manage Your Cardiac Health and Blood Pressure
Heart diseases and high blood pressure can mar the delicate internal mechanisms of the ear that ensures hearing. If your cholesterol levels or blood pressure is high, follow every medical order given by the doctor to ensure a speedy recovery. There are cardio workouts that can help in improving the health of your heart.
Quit Vaping and Smoking, and Reduce Drinking
Research shows that smoke from cigarettes can have a major impact on an individual’s hearing health. Similar to excessive alcohol consumption, which can cause a toxic environment inside your ear. Vaping’s link with hearing loss hasn’t been well-documented yet, but there are certain anecdotal records linking it to immediate hearing loss.
Manage Your Blood Sugar
Studies show that individuals suffering from diabetes are more likely to experience hearing loss later on. Similar to high BP, diabetes will damage the delicate cells inside your ears. Ensure your blood sugar is under control and adhere to the doctor’s instructions for dealing with diabetes.
Work Out Regularly and Control Stress Levels
Exercise is fundamental in ensuring a healthy life. Working out boosts blood flow, improving your body and ear health in numerous ways. However, be cautious of loud noises and wrong weightlifting in the gym, as both have been linked to gradual hearing loss. Since constant high-stress levels aren’t beneficial for your hearing and overall health, do everything possible to manage your stress levels.
Eat Meals Rich in Certain Minerals and Vitamins
Minerals and vitamins, particularly B12, magnesium, and potassium are essential to proper hearing. Iron deficiency anemia has been heavily linked to hearing loss. Ensure you eat meals rich in iron constantly.
Learn Your Family’s History
While learning your family’s history doesn’t prevent hearing loss directly, it will aid you in finding out if you are at elevated risk. By knowing this early on, you can lower the risks of the negative effects of hearing impairment, such as depression, social isolation, and cognitive decline.
Be Cautious of Certain Drugs
Hundreds of retail, unprescribed drugs have been linked to gradual hearing impairment. In fact, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has reported that there are over 200 drugs linked to balance disorders and hearing loss. These drugs range from normal, over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin to IV antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs.
Reduce Your Chances of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
While you may eat healthy every day, you are still at risk of hearing loss if you fail to protect your ears in noisy areas. Irrespective of your hearing condition and age, it’s usually a good idea to safeguard your hearing when exposed to loud noises.
Avoiding hearing impairment means being dedicated to your approach to healthy hearing. If you don’t falter in having your teeth and eyes checked regularly, then it’s time to consider scheduled hearing exams.