Does Exposure to Sunlight Treat Toenail Fungus?

Onychomycosis is a chronic nail infection caused by a common germ that is killed by ultraviolet B rays from the sun. When UVB rays are most potent between 10am and 2pm, daily exposure to sunlight (between these hours) could cure the infection. 

Does Exposure to Sunlight Treat Toenail Fungus?

It grows underground, not on the nail’s surface, so nail fungus is a very persistent condition that grows off as the nail grows healthy. Your treatment for nail fungus needs some help from sunlight, and the best solution is to expose your feet to regular sunshine. 

This method may need to be used for several months or even the entire summer. Is that really so difficult? Having your feet tanned on grass or perhaps on a sandy shore can provide three benefits at once: treating nail fungus, making your feet look good, and grounding your body.

What is nail fungus?

Dermatophytes – microscopic organisms that live in warm, damp conditions – are the most common cause of nail fungus. In addition, we know that sweating, keeping shoes on for long periods of time, and not cleaning and drying our feet properly at the end of each day can provide such conditions. 

They long to get out into the fresh air and sunshine, but are neglected and left to grow in the dark. It is not uncommon for our toenails to become discolored when we develop a toenail fungus – yellow, brown, green, and black are some of the colors that are possible. 

Toenails that are black are often brittle, crumbling, or cracked as well. There can be a thickening and dulling of the nail. Walking or wearing shoes can be painful if the black nail separates from the nail bed. An unpleasant odor could emanate from under the black nail, which is the worst symptom.

How Sunlight Affects Nail Fungus

Does sunlight kill toenail fungus? It might surprise you that sunlight kills toenail fungus. There are many reasons why nail fungus occurs, why it won’t go away, and how to stop it. 

You might not believe it, but Vitamin D helps kill nail fungus as well as provide you with sunlight and endorphins.

Nail fungus exposed to sunlight

Many of us are already aware that sunlight has a tendency to dry us out. Thus, it is important to keep nails, feet, and hands dry in order to prevent fungus growth. Sunlight does the same thing by removing moisture from your feet and hands, helping to keep fungus at bay. 

If you don’t wear closed-toed shoes often, the feet can become moist from sweat, especially if you’ve got socks on as well. We recommend wearing sandals or open-toed shoes as often as possible to keep the feet both dry and moisture-free.

The results can also be much faster and better if you combine this sunlight technique with a workout. By exercising, one aids in the circulation of blood, which facilitates the removal of toxins from the body, including fungus. 

You can help your nails stay or become fungus-free by riding your bike, walking or running in the sun

Nail fungus treatments

Oral medications and topical solutions are some treatment options. There is a very low success rate for topical solutions. Because of the shallow penetration of the solution, it does not reach the nail bed entirely. 

It is necessary to kill all the fungus in order to cure the infection. There can also be a delay in seeing any results for months. Medications taken orally have a higher success rate. However, they can be toxic to the liver. While taking the medication, you would need to have regular blood tests.

Nail Fungus Laser Treatment

Using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically takes only a few minutes to treat, you can easily treat nail fungus as well. 

There is no other laser treatment on the market with a higher cure rate than PinPointe Laser. The procedure has no side effects and does not require a period of recovery. Consequently, you will be able to resume your daily activities immediately after you have received the treatment. There is also no pain associated with this procedure.

How to treat nail fungus in other ways

It is very important that you start treating a nail fungus infection as soon as possible as it can be a very challenging infection to treat and is frequently recurrent. It might be better to seek help from a podiatrist before using over-the-counter or prescription medications (which can have potentially dangerous side effects). If you are uncertain, they can help you figure it out. If you are not sure, you can get a diagnosis from a podiatrist before you clean away all dead and diseased skin around or under the nail so that healthy skin has breathing space to heal. Adding in our specially formulated home remedy as well as our suggested sunlight treatment, and you have a ready-to-use, ready-to-use package fit for any purpose! If applied directly to the affected nail, H-Nail Fungus Formula (consisting of both pure natural essential oils and established homeopathic ingredients) will treat the symptoms in a safe and gentle manner.

Keep an eye out for these signs when inspecting your toenails

There are a number of symptoms that can indicate that you have toenail fungus, even just one of them…

  • There is a yellowing or whitening of the nails
  • White spots are developing on the nails
  • There is a thickening, crumbling, or splitting of the nails
  • There is a separation between the nail and the nail bed that occurs during nail growth
  • Whenever there is an unpleasant odor, remove it as soon as possible


Fungi are generally found to be defeated by sunlight and air circulation in the majority of cases. I would suggest to you whether or not you have nail fungus whether you have it or not, that you get into the habit of walking barefoot or wearing sandals with open toes as much as possible and let the vitamin D from the sun directly reach your toes (as well as other parts of your body as well). When you wear socks and shoes all the time, you are bound to keep moisture in and eliminate light, so that the perfect way to prevent any type of healing to any type of foot problem is to wear socks and shoes all the time.

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