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1200 Calorie Indian Diet Plan for Losing Weight Safely

If you look carefully into the health regime of any devoted fitness enthusiast, you will see that the prized physique which they have developed with years of hard work is a combination of 80% diet and 20% workout. Yes, you have read it right, a balanced and

Chia Seed Benefits: 10 Reasons To Add Chia To Your Diet

The health industry has taken up an amazing approach to reach a vast multitude of people. Interaction has started to widen the amazing spectrum of possibilities. With obesity, diabetes and heart ailments taking a toll on the human race, it’s high time to take the precautions beforehand.

Home Remedies to get Rid of Dandruff Permanently

A flaky scalp is one of the most predominant scalp conditions over the globe. More than half of the population suffers from dandruff worldwide. The sudden outburst of whitish deposits on the scalp is more than just a regular affair. Dandruff can lead to hair fall and

Top 20 Super Healthiest Foods On The Planet – Healthy Foods

There is just one industry which never faces recession even in the worst economic inflation. It’s the health industry, which is being taken over more by body supplements, proteins, cosmetic surgeries, machine intervention and other costly ventures. The companies promoting artificial techniques to remain fit are promoting